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take to "higher" authorities

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10mo ago

To have a marijuana possession charge dropped, you may need to hire a lawyer to help navigate the legal system. In some cases, plea deals or alternative sentencing programs may be available. It is important to follow legal procedures and seek advice from a legal professional for the best possible outcome.

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Q: How do you get a marijuana possession charge dropped?
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How do you get out of marijuana possession charge?

U cant

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If an illegal search and seizure is conducted on you and I'm charged with possession of marijuana only 2grams and I'm a minor can the charge be dropped in court?

It could be but most likely you will be charged.

What does this charge mean upom second?

Unlawful possession of marijuana

Can you be arrested for smoking medical marijuana?

If you live in the United States then yes, the federal police can charge you with possession of Marijuana.

Does a possession of marijuana charge get discharged if you get your medical marijuana card?

nt unless u have ur card renewed the first month.

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Will you be fired for not disclosing a possession of marijuana charge on application?

Any lie on an application is grounds for dismissal.

What would the charge be for a Juvenile with possession of 60 dollars worth of Marijuana in Iowa?

death penalty.

What is the penalty for marijuana possession in your state?

The penalty for marijuana possession in many states can vary depending on the amount possessed and whether it is a first offense. In some states, possession of a small amount of marijuana may result in a fine or misdemeanor charge, while possession of larger amounts or repeat offenses can lead to more severe penalties such as jail time or felony charges. It is important to check the specific laws in your state to understand the penalties for marijuana possession.

What is the statute of limitations for marijuana possesson in Arizona?

The statute of limitations for possession of marijuana in Arizona is seven years. If the charge is in connection with another crime, it could be longer.

Will a person lose his Federal Student Loans for a possession of marijuana charge?

Possibly. A possession of marijuana charge can impact a person's eligibility for federal student loans if they are convicted of a drug-related offense while receiving federal aid. It is important to check with the financial aid office for specific guidance on this matter.