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You don't!! That would be wrong and very selfish. The girl should first of all be smart enough to use contraception or to know that you are manipulative enough to lie to her and tell her you would not ejaculate just so YOU could have a baby for whatever selfish reason. She is the one that is pregnant for 9 months not YOU! Raising a child is a mutual responsibility. You do not trick someone into that kind of mess. It can ruin your relationship with her and your child if she did conceive then you would have to pay child support. If you want a child then you should sit down and talk about it with her. If she wants a child, but just isn't ready I am sure there are good reasons. Money, house, job, or just wanting to wait a little bit. If she just doesn't want to have kids and it is that important to you to have them then maybe you should reconsider your relationship with her. But lying to her about ejaculating so you can make her pregnant is flat your wrong, selfish and inconsiderate and will cause major problems.

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Q: How do you get a girl pregnant with out her knowing you ejaculated?
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yes...yes a girl can the sperm can b ejaculated enough to get her pregnant even with out penetration to the vagina

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Does a man have to have previously ejaculated in order to get you pregnant from pre-ejaculate?

You can "pre-ejaculte" even if you have never ejaculated before and get a girl prgnant. There is almost always sperm in pre-ejaculate.

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Yes, in one small drop of semen there are millions of sperm.

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yes, you can get pregnant

When a girl is ejaculated in then pees does it help to get her pregnant?

If you are asking if you ejaculate in her then SHE pees after that, it makes no difference. If you are asking if you ejaculate in her then YOU pee in her, it would probably decrease the chance of her getting pregnant.

You ejaculated in your girl but a lot came out can she still be pregnant?

It only takes one little spermy to get the job done. Anytime you have unprotected sex she can end up pregnant.

Can a girl get pregnant if one ejaculated and than took a shower?

if the semen got anywhere near her vagina than there is a possibility of pregnancy.

When a guy is wet can you get the girl pregnant?

Do you mean like wet with water? Yes, you could get a girl pregnant even if you are having sex in a swimming pool. Do you men wet with pre-ejaculate? Pre-ejaculate contains sperm, so it can make a girl pregnant, even it you didn't ejaculate yet.

If you were wearing a condom ejaculated into it and put another one on like 5 minutes later can she still get pregnant?

Not unless you had no barrier when you ejaculated into her. If you had the condom on and ejaculated into the condom while you were inside of her, then exited her and changed condoms (unless the condom broke) you could not get her pregnant. The only way for her to get pregnant is if you ejaculated into her or emptied your fluids into her (and most condoms have spermicide). If neither are the case, it is nearly 0% chance that she could get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if someone ejaculated inside you?

Yes, the way to get pregnant is by someone ejaculating inside you.