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Depends...If you guys don't talk a lot and she doesn't really know you try and get her to notice you. Try saying hi or complimenting her on what she's wearing or her hair, but if you guys are like friends just try to ease your way into giving her hints that you like her like that, And in the end you just go for it and ask her out. So yeah (:

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12y ago
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17y ago

To get a girl to like you, treat them with a nice attitude. Depending on who it is, girls like guys who are really sweet. Other then that just try talking to her, if you hide behind a brick wall you won't get anything. If you chicken out, try talking to one of her friends, you could always get an e-mail address. If this doesn't work, try writing a note or get a friend to talk to her. If you can't get a friend to do it, try the hands on approach. At least if she's not your type you won't get stuck in a relationship. Try hanging out with her once and a while. Even try to see her in the hallway, it could work into a date. don't push too hard though, you might become a stalker. Good luck and try not to be too down on yourself.

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