

Best Answer

(you ever heard of the munchies....i think that pretty much answers your question)

What a stupid response. maybe actually think of something that isn't the first thing that pops into your head you stupid f*ck.

Anyone will tell you that if you smoke weed regularly you will start to LOSE WEIGHT no matter WHAT YOU EAT. you stupid f*cking c*cksu*ker.
Not necessarily. But it does destroy muscle tissue and as you may already know, muscle is heavier than fat so it may actually end up making you slightly lighter-- albeit fatter.

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Q: How do you gain weight while smoking weed?
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Related questions

Can I get pregnant while smoking weed?

Of course. Weed is not a contraceptive.

Is smoking weed while pregnant bad?


What good does weed smoking does to the body?

Honestly It doesn't do anything. Some people might try to tell you that smoking weed will kill brain cells but it doesn't although while you are high you do loose brain cells but once your high goes away, you become back to normal. And when you are high you tend to get the munchies, and If you eat too much it could possible cause you to gain weight (not good). Weed is a herb not a drug as crack is weed doesn't harm your body too much. Many Indian and Hindu's believe that smoking weed helps relax and prepare for meditation.

How do you quit smoking weed while pregnant?

you stop smoking it :L from cammy

Can smoking weed make you skinnier?

The marijuana itself has no influence on your weight gain/loss. Marijuana does, however, cause an increase in appetite and that again may lead to weightgain.

What are Wiz Khalifa's hobbies?

Smoking weed, smoking weed, and smoking weed

Does weed cause weight loss?

yes weed does make u loose weight because you can eat as much you want but u wont gain weight on.

Does smoking weed harm the baby if you are pregnant"?

Yes, smoking weed while pregnant can harm the baby. Research shows that it can lead to low birth weight, premature birth, and developmental issues. It is best to avoid using marijuana during pregnancy to protect the health of the baby.

What if you in the car with someone smoking weed and te windows are rolled down while they are smoking weed?

mybe your high now that's why you cant make a sentence

Can you smoke weed while trying to quit smoking and using smoking patches?

i would advise against it..

How high can you go while smoking weed?

You shouldn't in the first place.

How will smoking weed affect a pregnancy?

Smoking weed during pregnancy can harm the developing baby. It may lead to low birth weight, premature birth, and developmental issues. It's best to avoid using marijuana while pregnant to protect the health of both the mother and the baby.