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Well to start, fingering can be done to any sex.. if you are both Bi-sexual, then there is not a problem, just insert a finger into the vagina.. and there you have it.

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Q: How do you finger another girl if your both bi?
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It depends on the girl. If The girl is Lesbian or bisexual she would enjoy kissing a girl because she is attracted to her. A "bi- curious" or questioning girl will enjoy to kiss another girl because that is something she always wanted to try or do. Be intimate with another female. STRAIGHT WOMEN WILL NOT ENJOY KISSING ANOTHER GIRL IF SHE IS NOT BI CURIOUS because she is not attracted to women.

Is it a sin to be bi?

Yes, because your with your same gender. But no, if your with your opposite gender. So basically, if your a boy, and your with a girl and your bi, it's not a sin. but if your a boy and you with another boy and your bi, it is a sin

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She shows affection for both genders, more then she should be showing.

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Find another lezzie or bi! (Unlikely) and if u cant be a tranny,, nobody likes lezzies.

You like this girl at your school and you are both bi what do you do?

Date eachother. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. [:

What is bi polar disease?

It is a mood disorder that consists of drastic mood swings, that are at both sides of the pole. Either depression or mania. Rarely in between. Hence the name, BI POLAR. Manic depression is another reference to bi-polar disorder. ( BI=both POLAR=pole )

Is neyo bi?

no neyo is not bi he has a girl friend

How to ask out a girl if she is bi?

If she is bi, that means she likes both genders. It's no different than asking out a straight girl (or a lesbian, if the person asking this question is female). Just because she's bisexual doesn't mean she's not a regular girl like the rest of us.