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According to my wife, you might not feel anything for a while, except you might feel slightly nauseous.

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Q: How do you feel the first day of pregnancy?
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What are the first signs of pregnancy and how long do you have to wait to take a test and get an accurate result?

the first signs of pregnancy are swollen sore breasts, morning sickness or nausea, gaining weight, and sometimes you may feel emotional. you can do a home pregnancy test from the first day you are late from you period.

How you feel in your first week pregnancy?

Every pregnancy is different. Most women feel no different at all in the first week. Some have problems such as Kate Middleton.

What can you feel when you are pregnant?

The first signs of pregnancy are morning sickness.

What is counted as the first day of a pregnancy?

It's the first day of your last menstrual period.

What happens during the first four weeks of pregnancy?

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How similar do symptoms of second pregnancy feel to the first pregnancy?

That is very difficult to say. Symptoms vary between women from one pregnancy to the next. You may feel very ill the first time, and then feel fine the next. In general, you will recognize the symptoms a lot earlier the second time around.

Can you feel butterflies in first few weeks of pregnancy?

No, feeling "butterflies" is when u first feel ur baby's movements, for first time moms is usually around 20weeks (5months) for others that have had more then one pregnancy may feel sooner but no few weeks isn't possible

How do you feel in the last two months of pregnancy?

Feeling tired and too anxious of the d day.

Is pregnancy calculated from the day of conception or implantation?

Estimated due dates and pregnancy time lines are calculated from the first day of your last period.

Do you have to be sick everyday while pregnant?

Many women experience little or no nausea at all during pregnancy. Others are sick every day from beginning to end. The majority seem to get sick in their first trimester and leave it behind by the second trimester. This is just one of those things that varies pregnancy by pregnancy so, even if you were not sick one single day with your first child, you could be throwing up every day of your pregnancy with your second child.

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Can you feel your baby move at 7 weeks?

Yes, you can feel movement in your fourth month of pregnancy. It is around this time that you may start to experience a flutter in your stomach, much like the feeling of having butterflies in your tummy.