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To Download apps on the iPod touch you can either load up iTunes on your computer and go on the itunes store then plug in your devise or via the ipod you go onto the app store app that is built into your ipod then it will go straight onto your ipod. Then to access them you scroll along the screen and you app that you downloaded should be done then you click on it and are on your application that you just downloaded via your ipod!

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15y ago

Safari is an app already pre-installed onto all generations and software versions of the iPod Touch. The app is named 'internet', and is already on your iPod Touch.

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15y ago

If by "stuff" you mean apps, then you can go to the app store and either pay for some apps or download the free apps.

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Can you download stuff on an ipod touch?


At school you dont have any WiFi but you do have computers and data socets and you want to download stuff onto your ipod touch but cant is thtere a wire or something to fulfill this need?

Unless you connect your iPod Touch directly to the USB port in the computer, it has iTunes, and you sign into your iTunes account, you cannot download stuff to your iPod Touch because there is no possible way to connect to the internet via a data socket with the iPod Touch to download stuff.

What if the app store is not there on you ipod touch?

mmm then you cant download apps and stuff like that

How can you get free stuff on your iPod touch?

in the app store some apps are free just download them

Can you download songs for free on the ipod touch?

Frostwire is a great place to download free song and movies and stuff for ipod/iphone. I use it all the time. Hope this helps

Do you have to have a Mac to download stuff onto your iPod Touch?

Nope. You can use a normal IBM PC also.

Can you download an Adobe Flashplayer to the iPod Touch?

Currently, no, you cannot download an Adobe Flashplayer to the iPod Touch.

How can you download apps on your iPod touch?

There is an App Store app on the iPod Touch that is used to download apps.

Can you download Call of Duty on ipod touch?

Yes. You must download the game online from your ipod touch, then go from there.

Is it bad to download stuff wirelessly from your ipod touch?

No. It's fine to buy things from iTunes wirelessly on your iPod touch. Also, the next time you connect your iPod to your computer, your purchases will automatically copy and transfer into your iTunes library.

What is the least amount of songs you can download on an ipod touch?

The least amount of songs you can download on an iPod Touch is 0 songs.

Can you download apps with iTunes 9.0 on your ipod touch?

Yes, it doesn't matter what iTunes software you have, you can still download apps from it to download to the iPod Touch.