It doesnt exist GOM Player only came out for windows Have a try on Macgo.
GOM Player was created on 2003-01-07.
gom means "bear" in korean
You can't. You have to use GOM audio.
gom player saya mengalami stop working, bagaimana mengatasinya?
GOM player
u can download songs from the, etc and also a player like vlc,flv,gom player etc if u don't want to download any player so u can do right click on the particular song then open with with windows mediaplayer. try it.
If you ment freecoder its GOM ,KM player ....
A GOM player is a media player that is compatible with several types of computors. It is possible to be downloaded from several places on the internet including the GOM website direct for free.
First you should download it... You can use uTorrent for this purpose.. It's only 264 kb but it works very very good! You can download uTorrent from Then you should use a media player for it and I strongly recommend GOM Player, it's very lite and fast media player, supports subtitles (nearly every format) and also finds required codecs automatically! You can download it from
Gom Eshaq's population is 18.