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you can get quiet a lot of free games from the app store but there are to many to name so i will give you this one app that is free and it searches for free apps and games and limited time offer on them that make them free. the app is called 'free app tracker'

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Q: How do you downlad free games on your ipod touch?
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What is the iPod touch?

An iPod touch is a touch screen ipod that you can play games and email for FREE!, you can download free apps or even buy new ones

Does the iPod Touch have lots of games?

Yes. The iTunes Store has TONS of games for the iPod touch, free and pay.

How many touch detective games are there?

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Why arnt there free ipod games when there are free iPhone and touch apps?

because there are a lot more ipod touch apps than the regular ipod games and apple doesnt make all the apps but they have to put more effort into the ipod games than the ipod touch/iphone apps.

Are there free games from itunes for ipod touch?


How do you get free games on the ipod touch if they r paid?

You get free games by going to itunes

Is there anywhere you can get free films and games for your ipod touch without buying them on itunes?

you can download free films off the Internet on your computer and then sync them to your ipod touch but to get free games that you would normally have to pay for u will need to jailbreak your ipod touch first

Are ipod games from the Itunes store free?

Games for the iPod Nano and iPod Classic cost about $4.99 each. However, there are certain apps for the iPod Touch and iPhone that are free.

What are some fun free games on an ipod touch?


Is there free xxx games for the iPod touch?

mmm not really

Do you pay for free games on iPod touch?

No. Free games are free. They may, however, require in-game purchases.

Where can you download free games for ipod touch?

You can download free games from the App Store or through iTunes.