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go to edit page, then permissions and there's a link named Delete page!

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Edit Page > Manage Permissions > Delete Page

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Q: How do you delete Facebook pages?
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Who To Delete. It's a game that pages do on Facebook.

How Can Facebook Delete Those Filipino Fanpage?

I hope Facebook will delete some of the non sense fan pages made by Filipino Facebook users. They are very abusive because they make a lot of fan pages that are non sense. I hope Facebook will delete some of those because its pretty annoying. I'm a Filipino Citizen also but I keep in mind that we should minimize of making non sense fan pages that aren't needed for a business. I hope Facebook will give a lot of time accompanying this fan pages.

Facebook account you want to keep and one you want to delete?

i can not get into one of my pages to close it out

How do you DELETE yourself from Friends pages?

u cant unless u hack their myspace/facebook.

How can you delete IMminent from Facebook?

how do i delete imminent from facebook

How do you get out of Facebook once and for all?

if you want to delete ur facebook go to google and search, delete my facebook, the click delete

Did Jennifer Lawrence delete her twitter or facebook?

no she did not delete her Facebook or twitter.

Do not want to be on facebook any more?

If you don't wish to be on Facebook any more - you can delete your account. HOWEVER - deleting your account does not remove any posts you have made on other people's pages.

How do you delete bite me account on Facebook?

hi how can i delete the game bite me on facebook??

How do you delete community page in Facebook?


How can you delete your facebook account using Gmail account?

No, you can't delete Facebook using Gmail. To delete Facebook, you have to go on their website. Gmail just is an interface.

How do you delete your restaurant city account on Facebook?

You can't delete your account on Restaurant City. It is linked to your Facebook account.