i already an account but forget my password how can i change this
log in now and change pass
Answer:to change your Facebook PASSWORD .....first login your facebook account..Then follow these steps:account[from the top menubar]-->account settings-->password-->change
Yes it is. If you want to change the password but you do not remember how to log in; you need to go to the Blackberry website and request a new password by clicking the "forgotten password" link.
Change your password
I suggest you 2 simple for changing way2sms password:Go to login menu and click on forget password linkA new page open change your password by a SMS or through missed call
To join Zorpia visit the site. sign up with your email and start meeting people.
you can change your password , you just have to go to settings and change your password.
how to change my password in sf
how to change my password in sf
how can we make password on mindspark
Clik on the change password button
The only person that can change your password - is YOU !
To change the password of your friendster account, you must go to your setting and change your password. Then, click "save."
You can change password of the account you own. You need to know the current password first. Then only you can change the new password.
To change your yahoo password you need to be logged in, and go to account info. Then click on change password. You will have to type in your old password, and the new password that you would like to use.
I do not change your password. But you may change it on thier official webpage. spotify.com/password-reset