Sign 1-Gut Instinct:
Email clues~
2. "I need you to respect my privacy."
3. "I Love You But I'm Not In Love With You."
4. "I need some space to figure out my feelings."
If you want proof you will have to spy on him. For example you can spy on his Facebook or Emails using PC Monitoring Software like "Wolfeye Keylogger"
Ask her if shes cheating on you! Nah im kidding i dont know sorry ? :( and im a guy
Be very sure you have some good reasons to think your boyfriend is cheating. If you feel he is (called 'gut feelings') then go with a girlfriend and follow him on the weekend. You can also ask around. Try asking his friends, your friends or anyone else he knows. If you think he'll admit to cheating most generally don't. Catch him in the act.
ANSWER: I'm afraid not, woman are different when it comes to how you can catch your woman cheating, its different from man in general
If you're girlfriend is cheating on you then she might do many of the following: If you go next to her she'll pull a face and ignore you and be stubborn on you and really hate you OR if she's cheating then for example you ask her out for lunch but then she starts walking and talking away with another guy and ignore you and yada yada yada you get the concept
AnswerMaybe/maybe not. Look, maybe he really likes her and she using him to get her math homework done. That seems very plausible.
check her phone....and if theirs some guy on there u dont kno....then u will kno
You confront her. Tell her you know and just discuss it. Make sure she understands how you feel and do what you think is right
If you have a girlfriend and a boyfriend, then you are cheating on both of them.
She tells you. Someone you trust tells you. You catch her. The person she is cheating with tells you. Otherwise you do not. The so called 'giveaway signs' are not proof, there may be other reasons for them. If in doubt ask.
maybe, maybe not.If he spends more time with the girl he is cheating on.
You can tell for sure that your girlfriend is cheating, by catching her on the act with her lover.
What the hell kind of question is this? Can't you figure out for yourself? If that girl is texting other guys and flirting with them, you better know.
he is totally cheating.
been there, get her out of your life and block her out of your life i know how hard it is to catch someone cheating but first make sure your certain if your just making assumptions.
Before asking your girlfriend or your friend if they are cheating on you it would be wise to follow one or both of them to see if you can catch them first. Check your girlfriend's messages on her cell phone or if you are living together then check where she has been on the Internet. If this is not possible then simply ask your best friend if he is cheating with your girlfriend and then ask your girlfriend. If they are lying often their face may turn red; they generally do not make eye contact; they may shift from foot to foot or leave the room completely or, they may argue loudly (over dramatizing) that they are not cheating.
I don't dream about your girlfriend
then he must be cheating on you if he has a girlfriend? i mean if he likes you and has a gf then he must be cheating and wanting you?