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If you received the request - cancel it by clicking ignore on the request

If you sent the request - go to Edit Friends, then next to the person with the request pending, on the far right, is a little "X" which you click. Then it will ask confirmation by asking "Are you sure you want to remove your request to connect to (name)?", then you confirm it and it is gone.

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Q: How do you cancel friend requests on Facebook?
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How do you undo sent friend requests on facebook?

first scroll down and under the picture where it says "report\block this person" it should say "cancel friend request"

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When you cancel friend request made on facebook will friend be notified of request?

yes,Facebook send email notification if you can cancel a friend request.

Where do friend requests come up on facebook?

Friend requests on Facebook come up in the top left corner of the screen next to the messages and notifications.

How do you reject friend requests on facebook?

just click ignore

How do you de friend a person on Facebook?

push cancel

How do you get a lot of facebook friend requests?

you just have to be cool and well known.

Maximum no of friend requests allowed to be send in a day on facebook?

Maximum about 20 friend requests per day. Not more than that. I think facebook admin is watching users. Can get into trouble if send too many friend requests. Trick is to get mutual friends. Join in facebook add me groups or pages. Many of them ask for friendships.

How do you move more than 1 friend on to a list Facebook?

You an send as many friend requests as possible.

How do i check old friends request on facebook?

One can find old friend requests on Facebook, by clicking on the small people icon in the upper left hand corner of the sites page. When the icon is clicked a list of the new, and the most recent friend requests are displayed along with old requests that the person has accepted.

How do I accept friends in Facebook?

In the upper right hand corner of your facebook home page you will see a notification if you have friend requests. It will say "1 Friend Request" or however many requests there are. Click on that text and each request will appear. The option will be there to "Accept" or "Ignore" each friend request.

Why does facebook show who you add?

If you are referring to friend requests, that depends on the privacy settings and to let you know who accepted the friend request.