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you say i like your breasts, then look at them and say can i touch them?

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9mo ago

It is inappropriate and disrespectful to request physical actions from someone without their consent. It is important to always communicate openly and respectfully in any relationship.

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Q: How do you ask your girlfriend to press her boobs?
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I am a female and Slowly i was attracted to sucking my husbands boobs and I am not a lesbian Will it affect his health?

Funny you should ask because my girlfriend has been doing this to me for months and I believe I have started to grow my on set of boobs

How feels when press boobs?

Nice :)

What is sexier boobs or butt?

Boobs of course. You can suck, squeeze, and play with them. I sucked my girlfriends and she squeezed my dick in the middle of them!Boobs of course. I sucked my girlfriend's once.

How do you convince your girlfriend that you don't just care about her sexually?

compliment her boobs

How do you get girls to show there boobs?

ask them nicely ;)

How can you touch your girls boobs?

Only with her permission. Defiantly do not just grab them. Ask. Ask. Ask.

What do you do to get breasts quickly?

To have a sex with someone..Ask him to suck your boobs..............

Not sexual intercourse but can you just press the boobs of your sister?

yes when ur in sexual mood u can press and hug tight and kiss her anywhere..

How do you ask a girl out if your a girl?

show them ur boobs. it always works for me.

How do you get a bra off?

To remove a bra, unhook the closure at the back or front and slide the straps off your shoulders. It's important to be gentle and avoid any sudden movements to prevent discomfort or damage to the bra. If you're unsure, don't hesitate to ask for help.

Does it feel good to hold breasts?

Yes!!!!! It feels very good to hold boobs. I am a 16 yr old guy and my girlfriend lets me hold her boobs whenever I want, in private of course.

How do you make breakups on avatar university?

Go to the dorm and press pilar and she will ask you if you have a girlfriend and she will giv your an assigment saying date two of these girls for two days in front of your girlfriend it will say on your page something has broken up with you.