

Best Answer

Yes!!!!! It feels very good to hold boobs. I am a 16 yr old guy and my girlfriend lets me hold her boobs whenever I want, in private of course.

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Q: Does it feel good to hold breasts?
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How do you make your breasts feel good?

Massaging your breasts with lotion feels really good

How do you hold breasts?

You cup your hands and if the breasts are naked you put your hands on them and feel how lovely and soft and warm they are and you give them a nice little squeeze. They feel really nice.

Do breasts feel good?

yes boobs feel good their all smudgy and all hahaha

Does it feel good to massage your breasts?

It depends on the types of boobs you have

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Why do breasts feel so good?

Cus there squishy....duhhh

Does expressing milk from the breasts feel good?

Breastfeeding can be quite painful and expressing milk is not sexual for the woman.

How does it feel to hold your old friend's hand?

im sure it's feel very good ;)

How do you feel your breasts?

Just touch them

Do guys like to feel breasts?


Why do people wear a singlet or bra?

to hold their breasts in

Does sucking breasts tickle?

well it can, its how u feel!