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They don't. Navel piercings tend to be pretty low on the pain scale though. The soreness that comes with healing will most likely be more bothersome than the actual piercing.

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Q: How do they numb your belly button before piercing?
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Can they numb your belly button before you get it pierced?


How can you numb you belly button?


If you ask will they numb your belly button for you so that you don't feel anything?

Yes, there is a spray that will freeze your belly-button before getting it won't feel a thing! :)

Do they numb tongues before peircing?

A tip is to suck on ice for an hour before the piercing, it will help to numb it.

How do you freeze your skin to pierce it?

Its actualky kinda easy all u do is take a piece of ice anf rub it all around the area your piercing and for example if your peircing your belly button u need to numb the inside and outside of your belly button all over very well.

Do professionals numb the penis before piercing?

No, I don't think so.

At liquid vision do they numb your naval before piercing?

none of the piercing shops that ive heard of numb you for a naval piercing i got mine when i was 13 and it doesnt hurt it feels like a pinch and then its over you just have to breathe

Will gods of ink numb your tongue before piercing it?

No, you need to speak to the Gods of Metal first.

When you num your cartilidge does it still hurt when you get it pierced?

The piercer won't numb your cartilage before piercing it.

How can you numb your tongue before piercing?

If you are using the correct type of piercing equipment, you should not have to numb your tongue at all. Numbing the area before piercing could affect the healing process, and leave more opportunity to become infected. It is best to get a piercing done professionally, but if you are piercing at home, be sure to use the right sterile needles and tools. There should be little to no pain, making numbing unnecessary.

Do they numb your nose before piercing it?

Some piercing shops do, the reason i know this is because i went with my cousin to get her nose pierced, she is 16, and she told them she was really afraid of pain, but she really wanted it done, so they offered to numb it... and she got it pierced no problem, but not all of them do it.

Is it safe to numb your skin yourself before you get your belly button pierced?

Contrary to the claims made on the Internet websites about numbing creams most professional body piercers will not use nor piercing anyone who has used a numbing agent on any location of the body to be pierced. Numbing agents swell and bloat the tissue making the marking and piercing process difficult. The bloating generally screws up the layout for the piercing and a poor finished result is the out come. If you really want the piercing a momentary pinch is not a big issue, it's a simple clean easy process in the hands of an experienced professional body piercer.