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They breakdown the food to its simplest form then place it in a metal cup which is in a water box. After they place the cup in the water they take the temperature of the water (Tinitial). When they have the temperature of the water they ignite the food and check the temperature after the fire(Tfinal). Then they use the equation

q=Masswater x specific heatwaterx ΔTwater

(q=Heat in calories or joules) (T=temperature) (ΔTwater=Tfinal-Tinitial) (spefic heat of water= 4.18 J/g °C) (Masswater= Mass of water in box - mass of box w/o water)

(joules to calore conversion 1 calorie=4.184 Joules)

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Q: How do scientists determine how many calories a food has?
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Where could a person find information on the calorie content in food?

The information on calories on food can be found on the package of each food. Moreover, one can also search on the internet for the calories of each food, such as the understanding calories of NHS. One can also download an application which explains how many calories each food has.

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When you eat something you are taking in what and energy?

you are taking in calories. how many calories your taking in depends on the food.