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In Scotland, people say Bodach na Nollaig (Scots Gaelic: "Old Man of Christmas").

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Q: How do people in Scotland say Santa Claus?
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What do Scotland people call their Santa Claus?

In Scotland, people say Bodach na Nollaig (Scots Gaelic: "Old Man of Christmas").

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How do you say Santa Claus in Scottish?

In Scottish, Santa Claus is often referred to as "Father Christmas" or "Santa Claus" as well.

When did people start calling St Nicholas Santa Claus?

there is no real time but people say its because they wanted to shorten it to santa claus.....HE IS REAL!

How do you say the name of Santa Claus' wife in Spanish?

Esposa de Santa Claus (Lit; Wife of Santa Claus).

How many hoes do Santa Claus Have?

santa has 49 hoes but some people say five

How do you say Santa Claus in Greenlandic?

In Greenlandic, Santa Claus is called "Sanata Klaasit".

How do you say Santa Claus in Kikuyu?

The Kikuyu people in Kenya don't all believe in Santa Claus, but the ones who do usually call him Father Christmas, Santa Claus, Sinterklaas, or Papa Noël. The word "Santa" has been adopted into many native languages as is.

How do you say Santa Claus in Hawaiian?

Santa Claus is pronounced as "Kana Kaloka" in Hawaiian.

How do you say Santa Claus in African?

Sinterklaas is the most used name for Santa Claus in Africa.

What do children in France call Santa Claus?

Santa Claus is called "le père Noël" in French.I think they still call him Santa clause like English people say it

How do you say Santa in Philippines?

In Philippines you pronounce or say Santa Claus like this santa-klaus