They act hurt and angry, and say something along the lines of, "well, if I'm being accused of it, I might as well go out and do it since I'm already being punished for something I didn't even do".
You probably can not tell if she is cheating on you, but you can ask her and look closely at her reaction. Talking to other guys is probably innocent and nothing to get upset about.
being cheated on is ALOT worse then being dumped! ive been with guys like that and have had times when he cheated on me with my best frann =( cheating is ALOT worse then getin dumped....
cos she is sexually twotiming you
guys would mostly lie about what age they were if they were cheating on you and of course if they love you
yes and no some guys do tht because they are just being guys and some other guys are intrested om other girls if your boyfriend really loved you and payed attention to u then he is just being a boy
Yes. He is your friend. BUT, only so you can try to be as honest with yourself as possible. It might help get to the roots of the cheating. You don't like being all mixed up about this, do you now..
of course not!
Things like calling yourself fat or ugly. Being too jealous, cheating, flirting with other guys!! That is a BIG NO NO!!! Also being too obsessive
No, not all men (of any age) can tell if their mate is cheating. Some mates that cheat do not cover their tracks very well, but cheaters are basically very sneaky and can get away with it for quite sometime before being caught.
Yes it is! If she wants other guys to use her as their fantasy, it is definitely cheating.
The biggest lie most guys tell is they aren't cheating on their girlfriends/wifes when they really could be.
This could be considered cheating by some and by others no. To cheat means to have an another relationship while being considered being in a relationship.