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well a "joint" without a filter works in the way when you set the end of on fire and inhale, it takes just the tobacco/weed that you are burning at the time and that turns into vapor (as any think you set on fire would) and it travels from the whole part of the paper to your mouth, lungs,etc....with a filter the vapor just goes through all the filter to filter out some of the cancer causing chemicals...

The reason why the filter is brown/tan when you get done with the cigarette is not because of the chemicals being filtered, its actually from the resin from the tobacco/weed being traveled through the whole cigarette

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16y ago
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15y ago

You take a pinch of the tobacco, or pouch, and place it in your bottom lip between your lip and gum. You should feel a little sting, and just make sure that you spit the juice out, NEVER swallow it! It makes you sick. There is fiberglass in the tobacco that will help it get to your blood stream faster.

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13y ago

Loose snus is formed into a cylindrical shape and placed in the upper between the lip and gum. Portion snus come in small pouches and is placed in the same part of the mouth.

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11y ago

The proper steps in chewing tobacco are pull off the leaves from the pouch, place it in the side cheek of the mouth, chew lightly, but careful not to swallow, lastly rinse it out.

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