you have to get in bed and the boys penis gives off sperm, half are y half are x
if a y sperm joins with the egg the baby is a boy
if an x sperm joins with the egg the baby is a girl
so when a sperm meets an egg a baby starts to grow
You cannot get pregnant by kissing, you can only get pregnant by sexual intercourse.
Boys don't have babies, girls do. A period is the lining of the uterus after it is no longer needed when a girl doesn't get pregnant.
If you drink beer you make boys if you drink wine you make girls
Nope, only boys can get girls pregnant
Girls fight for boys and boys fight for girls. Girls fight because they make themselves look hot and boys fight to make themselves look hot too.
Girls: get pregnant Boys: Their balls start to itch
No. To get pregnant, there needs to be sperm and and egg. Eggs come from girls and sperm from boys.
No, they just make boys harder.
I'm assuming you meant why are girls hips wider than boys, and the answer is that girls hips widen in order to support a child if the girl were to get pregnant
Ummm kinda i don't really know.
they make fun of them to show how funny they are or they the girls