"Futanari" is a genre of anime, manga, and artwork that depicts characters with both male and female sexual characteristics. It is a fictional concept and not a real-life phenomenon. The portrayal of futanari characters varies in different works of fiction, and they are often depicted in explicit or erotic contexts.
The only way for a female to get pregnant is for a man to ejaculate semen into the woman's vagina. A girl can't get pregnant from a girl; a guy cannot get pregnant from a girl.
No. When a girl eat sperms, she will not get pregnant.
in my opinion there are three types: shemale (balls and no vag), herm (vag and no balls), and full herm (both balls and vag) however there are no 'official' differentiations in the category, only personal speculation; and most of the terms, like 'dick-girl', 'futa', 'shemale', and 'hermaphrodite', are just interchangeable words used to describe futanari
No a girl cant get pregnant from a kiss so that mean you can kiss any girl and she wont get pregnant
It is a group of people , the leader is Andrew Boden
A girl becomes pregnant when a sperm reaches her egg.
if she is a virgin then no but she can get pregnant
No, a girl cant get pregnant from sperm on thigh........
That's the only way a girl can get pregnant...