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The original quote is "It is required of every man," the Ghost returned, "that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide; and if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. It is doomed to wander through the world-oh, woe is me!-and witness what it cannot share, but might have shared on earth, and turned to happiness!"

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Ashley Avery

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to protect there loved ones from danger and warn them of disaster

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Q: How did Marley explain to Scrooge why spirits walk the earth?
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How did Marley explain that some spirits are made to walk the earth in a Christmas Carol?

because he just did

Why did Jacob Marley visit Scrooge that Christmas Eve?

To Warn Him About The Three Spirits Who Will Come To Him, And Not To End Up Like Himself, Wandering The Earth With No End

Was Jacob Marley the first spirit?

No, Jacob Marley was not the first spirit in "A Christmas Carol." The first spirit that visits Ebenezer Scrooge is the Ghost of Christmas Past. Jacob Marley, the ghost of Scrooge's former business partner, appears later in the story to warn Scrooge about his impending fate if he does not change his ways.

Why did Marley visit Scrooge?

Marley visited Scrooge to warn him about his current behavior and the consequences he will face if he continues on his path of greed and selfishness. Marley hoped to change Scrooge's ways and prevent him from meeting the same fate of being burdened by chains in the afterlife.

What importance did Marley bring to A Christmas Carol?

Jacobs return was the start of the changes that Scrooge was to undertake before Christmas Day. Marley tells Scrooge that he (Marley) will walk the earth for eternity because of his attitude to his fellow man. It was a punishment that he did not want Scrooge to endure

What was the contribution of Jacob marle to transform Scrooge?

Marley was allowed to return to warn scrooge of his impending fate of walking the earth for eternity

What did Marley say will happen to Scrooge?

After his death he will walk the earth as a ghost in eternal torment

What is the situation in Marley and Scrooge Act 1?

Marley retruns as a Ghost to warn Scrooge that he must change his ways or be destined to walk the earth for ever in torment. Marley was allowed onlt to return and do this one good thing and then had to return to his destiny

How Marley affected Scrooge?

Marley affected Scrooge by appearing as a ghostly figure warning him of the consequences of living a selfish and greedy life. Marley's visit prompted Scrooge to reflect on his own actions and attitudes, ultimately leading to his transformation and redemption. Through Marley's intervention, Scrooge was able to see the error of his ways and change his life for the better.

What was the first stave in The Christmas Carol?

The first stave in "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens is titled "Marley's Ghost." In this stave, the ghost of Jacob Marley visits Scrooge and sets the stage for the supernatural events that will follow on Christmas Eve.

In A Christmas Carol - why does Marley's ghost appear?

Marley's ghost appears to warn Scrooge about his miserly ways and to offer him a chance at redemption. Marley's spirit serves as a messenger to help Scrooge see the consequences of his actions and the opportunity to change his fate.

Who was Marley what warning did he give to Scrooge?

Marley was Scrooge's former business partner who visited him as a ghost on Christmas Eve. Marley warned Scrooge that he would suffer the same fate if he did not change his ways and embrace the spirit of Christmas.