To Warn Him About The Three Spirits Who Will Come To Him, And Not To End Up Like Himself, Wandering The Earth With No End
scrooge is visited by the ghost of Christmas past.
Ebenezer Scrooge's deceased business partner in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" was Jacob Marley. Jacob Marley appears as a ghost to warn Scrooge about the consequences of his selfish ways.
He was to be visited at One in the morning
Jacob Marley is the first to visit Scrooge
The first ghost to visit Scrooge was that of his business partner, Jacob Marley. Later Scrooge was visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Yet to Come
He is visited by the ghost of Christmas Past.
the 1st ghost to visit scrooge in a Christmas charol is Jacob Marley . Marley was scrooges business partner before he passed away...
The first ghost to visit Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol" is the Ghost of Christmas Past. This ghost shows Scrooge scenes from his childhood and past in order to help him reflect on his life choices.
The Ghost of Chrsitmas Past (Scrooges Past)
Goofy portrays Jacob Marley in Mickey's Christmas Carol, he comes to tell Scrooge (Scrooge McDuck) that three spirits will visit him soon, Goofy has a ghost-like appearance and is in long chains.
The ghost of Scrooge's former business partner, Jacob Marley, visits Scrooge in Stave 1 of "A Christmas Carol." Marley warns Scrooge about the consequences of his selfish and greedy ways.
Jacob Marley. Marley foretells of 3 others who will help Scrooge