I had one before and this ex military man was good on his job. I gave him all in info that he needs, the name of the other woman, address, work place. From there he got all the background of this married woman who also was married to a military man. He found out that she was seeing another man regularly while her husband was station some where else and while seeing the man I married. He also found out how many times she was married which she lied. But the bitter sweet of everything, I also found out that she was medicating herself from STD because her regular boyfriend gave it to her. Last but not the least, the man I married didn't know she had STD, and that is what I have to made a decision that I don't want to have anymore relationship with him..
Historians are like detectives because like detectives thy investigate to find there answers
That they both investigate to find their answer
cheating ANSWER: what about Adultery and Adulteress
Example sentence - The detectives would investigate the crime using the newest technologies.
Cheating your spouse is not a good thing. It could land you into loneliness and other miserable feelings.
Your spouse teasing you or not talking is common. They are feeling left out as you are cheating on someone else.
You could hire a detective. Be wary of who you hire and interview them and ask what it will cost. There are a few retired police officers who have become detectives and you stand a better chance with them. If your partner is cheating generally the detective should be able to catch them in a two week period.
If its just asking like 10 or 15 questions they are qualifed to kind of investigate. But detectives are specificly made to solve crimes and investigate cases.
It is consented but in a way it still is cheating on them
If a spouse wants clues to check them out financially checking credit cards to see if the cheating spouse is staying in motels or hotels; check phone records; bank statements or how much money the cheating spouse is taking out of the bank from a joint account.
It depends on individual, but for sure one of hazardous of cheating is the pain that you can give your spouse. It will make your spouse depressed, low self esteem, feeling not good enough, will loose the safety blanket that your spouse has from you. There are a lot of concequences when it comes to cheating.
SVU detectives investigate sex crimes and crimes against children.