Either by a general agreement not to keep slaves, or a general agreement from the slaves to accept their place.
Slavery could have been resolved through a combination of legal measures, social reforms, and economic incentives. This could have included enacting laws to abolish slavery, providing education and job opportunities for former slaves, and implementing programs to promote equality and integration within society. Additionally, creating international agreements to combat human trafficking and forced labor could have also contributed to the resolution of slavery.
Slavery was finally resolved in the United States with the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865, following the end of the Civil War. This amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, formally ending the institution of slavery in the country.
Yes, states that banned slavery could have been more insistent that other states ban it in order to promote equality and human rights. However, the prevailing political climate and economic interests often hindered stronger advocacy for a nationwide abolition of slavery.
The issue of the Three-Fifths Compromise was resolved at the Constitutional Convention, which determined how slaves would be counted for the purpose of taxation and representation in Congress. The compromise stated that each slave would be counted as three-fifths of a person for these purposes.
Slavery could have been prevented through cultural shifts that valued human rights and equality for all individuals, as well as legislation that explicitly prohibited the practice. Additionally, economic systems that did not rely on exploitative labor practices could have prevented the widespread adoption of slavery.
No, slavery was not necessary. It was a system rooted in exploitation, abuse, and dehumanization. There were other labor systems and economic models that could have been adopted to meet the needs of societies without resorting to the brutal practice of slavery.
Through popular sovereignty
Honestly, me being African-American, admits that, no it hasn't changed, its just been modernized.
through the emanncipation proclomation
Slavery was finally resolved in the United States with the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865, following the end of the Civil War. This amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, formally ending the institution of slavery in the country.
civil war
yes or no
Could the colonies labor problem have been solved without slavery?
slavery and the deffinition of a citizen
Slavery was not something you could half-abolish.
By 1850, it was clear that the debate over slavery could never be resolved in Congress or by a popular vote. The Compromise of 1850 was an optimistic attempt to avoid war, and it succeeded for ten years.
Cotton production could not have been done profitably without slavery.