You can't tell by their looks, but, George is more sensitive than Fred.
because if they are twins you can tell the difference
None of the Gosselin twins or sextuplets are identical, so it is easy to tell the Gosselin children apart.
Voldemort, lupin tonks and one of the weasley twins.
Notice their feeling or speaking style. Everyone is unique they have some difference. Their feelings are not same always. Their expressions. One twin may be jealous and one may not be jealous of anyone.
In the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, twins are not allowed because it disrupts the sameness and uniformity of the society. Twins are seen as a threat to the controlled environment and the idea of "precision of language" that the community values. Twins would introduce differences and individuality that the society aims to suppress.
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It is unlikely for an infant to tell the difference between its identical twin mother and aunt initially, as they share the same genetic makeup and may look very similar. However, over time the infant may start to recognize subtle differences in behavior, scent, or other cues that help differentiate between the two.
I love the twins and I know a lot about them, so I can easily tell them apart. Oliver has a more curvy lip and I think James is a bit handsomer. Oliver also has a mole on his neck and he has a deeper voice.
You can't. They are identical twins, so they look almost 100% identical. Maybe their family members and closest friends see the difference but others won't.
Vending machines have laser scanners that can tell the difference between the bills.
you can tell the difference between right and wrong from the little voice inside your head