I love the twins and I know a lot about them, so I can easily tell them apart. Oliver has a more curvy lip and I think James is a bit handsomer. Oliver also has a mole on his neck and he has a deeper voice.
James Phelps plays Fred Weasley.Oliver Phelps plays George Weasley.
James and Oliver Phelps was born on February 25, 1986.
James and Oliver Phelps was born on February 25, 1986.
James and Oliver Phelps are 1.91 metres tall.
It is not known if Oliver Phelps is a virgin or not. Oliver Phelps has a twin brother named James Phelps and is most known for appearing in the Harry Potter films.
James Phelps (and his twin brother Oliver) has browncoloured eyes.
Unfortunately, James and Oliver Phelps are not single. Oliver is with a girl named Katy and James is with Simione Burke.
James Andrew Eric (plays Fred) and Oliver Martyn John (plays George) Phelps.
Yeah, they do.
No, James Phelps plays Fred Weasley while his twin brother Oliver Phelps plays George.
Yes, the only difference is that one of them has a mole on his neck.