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Q: How can you tell the difference between an intrusion and extrusion if there is a layer of sandstone on top?
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What is the different between intrusion and extrusion?

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how does knowing the prefixes in- and ex- help you remember the differ-ence between an intrusion and an extrusion?

how does knowing the prefixes in- and ex- help you remember the differ-ence between an intrusion and an extrusion?

What is the difference between hot and cold extrusion?

one is hot and one is cold

What is the major difference between shale and sandstone?


What is the difference between extrusion and forging?

Type your answer here... Extrusion is the open die punching process whether forging is close die punching process.

What is the difference between Hermit Shale and Coconino Sandstone?


What is the difference between a patio block and a concrete block?

extrusion is different from forging. Idhu eppadi

What is difference between conglomerate and pebbly sandstone?

Conglomerate can include much larger clasts of rock.

Is sandstone a fossil?

A fossil is the preserved remains of an animal, plant or other organism while sandstone is a type of sedimentary rock. There is a fairly distinct difference between the two, thus sandstone is not a fossil. Sandstone may have fossil inclusions, but we are talking about two different things regarding fossils and sandstone.

What is the difference between the processes of stamping and extrusion?

Stamping involves a force applied to a die that removes a section of material, typically thin. Extrusion is a process where a force is applied to a fluid material which is pushed through a die creating the rough final form. Extrusion is much less wasteful in most circumstances.

What is the difference between a sandstone rock and a marble rock?

Chemically, a quartz sandstone is different than a calcitic marble. Additionally, they are classified differently by their method of formation. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock, and marble is a metamorphic rock. Sandstone has cemented grains, and marble has interconnected crystals.

What is the difference between sandstone and limestone in laboratory?

Sandstone is made mostly from sand-sized quartz particles. On the other hand, limestone is made from finer grains of calcite material.