If one side of your lip is infected then the other but it should not be a problem,
Extreme swelling, discharge of green puss, pain, warm to the touch.
I would assume so. The metal that is in a lip ring is designed to be in your skin, as a staple is made of inferior metals. That's why you're not supposed to pierce with Safety pins. They aren't safe to remain in your body. Don't do it. Spend the $10 and get a lip ring.
It is always best to get a ring. Rings allow room for swelling, while bars do not. If your piercing has no room to swell, it could become infected.
my lip/nose is infected whats the best cleaner and is it faital
Lip ring is not a compound word.
Yes it's called a lip ring.
You don't just go to school your teacher will figure it out on there own.
If the pain, redness, or itchiness lasts more than a month, its probably infected. Greenish/yellow discharge is the biggest sign though.
To get a ring in your lip.
The ring is scaled (sized) to your lip, it's not a one size fits all affair. Your professional body piercer will assist you in selecting a ring that will suit your lip. Be aware that your lip will swell so the ring must allow for swelling.
Don't tell me you pierced your lip yourself? oh jeezums. that's what I did. I don't recommend hiding it. I'd tell your parents. Cover up worked for me tho. If they ask, its a "zit"