OK fellow stonier,
First of all: If the bud you get has specs all over it, of any color that could mean it is laced, but there is no sure way to tell what you weed is laced with.
Secondly: It will give off a weird smell if it has been smoked while in contact with your bud (THC And MDMA Reaction) and a different taste too.
Third and final: You shouldn't be Smoking bicks if your smoking weed, its like taking pep pills and sleeping tablets,
There may be a sudden increase in energy levels and euphoria beyond the effects of marijuana alone. Physical symptoms like dilated pupils, sweating, and increased heart rate may also occur. It's important to seek medical help if you suspect you've ingested a substance without your knowledge.
Physical appearance, unusual smell, or abnormal effects when smoked such as extreme dizziness or hallucinations could indicate that marijuana is laced with another substance. Testing the substance with a marijuana test kit can also help detect if it has been laced with other drugs.
Signs that marijuana has been laced can include enhanced potency, unusual smell or taste, harsher smoke, and unusual effects or symptoms experienced after consumption. If you suspect your marijuana has been laced, it's best to stop using it and seek help if needed.
A semen analysis test typically assesses parameters like sperm count, motility, and morphology. It does not specifically test for marijuana use. To detect marijuana in the body, a separate urine or blood test would be needed.
Signs that weed may be laced include unusual smells, colors, or textures, as well as unexpected changes in the effects felt when smoking. Be cautious if the high feels stronger, different, or longer-lasting than usual. It's always best to purchase cannabis from a licensed dispensary or trusted source to avoid any laced products.
Marijuana comes from the cannabis plant and contains the psychoactive compound THC. K2, also known as synthetic cannabinoids, are man-made chemicals sprayed onto dried plant material to mimic the effects of marijuana. One way to tell the difference is through testing for specific compounds, as K2 may have different chemical compositions than marijuana.
Physical appearance, unusual smell, or abnormal effects when smoked such as extreme dizziness or hallucinations could indicate that marijuana is laced with another substance. Testing the substance with a marijuana test kit can also help detect if it has been laced with other drugs.
Signs that marijuana has been laced can include enhanced potency, unusual smell or taste, harsher smoke, and unusual effects or symptoms experienced after consumption. If you suspect your marijuana has been laced, it's best to stop using it and seek help if needed.
Smoke it.
me, you, and everyone else man tell you what
yes they cant do anything to you unless its in your possession.
That's unknown, because the guys that do aren't dumb enough to tell it to the whole world.
No, it is not. It's white appearance is due to a large amount of white trichomes. If it were laced with crack the dealer would be losing money and you would be able to tell it was laced as soon as you smoked it.
You can't, it would have to be tested by a lab.
Dr. Weed~ no smoking marijuana does not help mask or clean you system it just makes it worse.. so if some one tells you to smoke to clean your system tell em to screw themselves and be smarter than them.. listen to Dr. Weed i know marijuana i smoke it myself..
Yes it is. Because not only could you start but you could get 2nd hand smoke. But tell the dude to stop. plz.
As a Canuck, I am very proud to tell you that per capita more Canadians smoke marijuana than any other country in the world. More even than the Netherlands. In fact, over 80% of adult Canadians report that they have smoked marijuana at some point in their lives.