Unless you see them pull out their Birth Control pack and take their pill, there is no way to tell other than by asking.
Doctors will know that you are on birth control when you tell them. It is wise to tell your doctor that you are birth control, as it is wise to tell them that you are taking any other medications as well. By telling your doctor that you are on birth control it will help when you need treatment or need to take any other medications such as antibiotics(penicillin, amoxicillin), because there are medications that can lower the effectiveness of your birth control.
Birth control pills do not cause infertility.
you'll get pregnant?
No, there's no way to tell whether a woman was taking birth control when she got pregnant (unless she is pregnant with the implant or IUD).
Your local family planning agency can tell you about any programs available for free birth control pills. In addition, offices that provide birth control sometimes have samples available.
Hmm,Using birth control can stop her periods for months at end. Pay close attention and if she isn't ovulating on a monthly basis , then she's probably on birth control. Please refer to articles on birth control , I remember reading this sometime back.
Your OBGYN can't tell whether or not you're taking your birth control pill. Frequent complaints of irregular bleeding and missed periods raise suspicion of missed pills.
Yes birth control pills
yes ou can still get pregnant, birth control is not 100%, no matter how many you take.
You can find out in about one week. You should keep testing frequently. The birth control may cause you to have less periods.
Yes you can start birth control while on your period. Usually your doctor will tell you to start on a Sunday so it's easier to remember when you first started your pack.If you get your period on the Sunday you start you still start on birth control.
well while taking anti biotics it makes birth contol pills not work you could get pregnant if you are having unprotective sex so you might want to tell her that and maybe she will wanna tell the doctor than that you are taking birth control pills