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Doctors will know that you are on Birth Control when you tell them. It is wise to tell your doctor that you are birth control, as it is wise to tell them that you are taking any other medications as well. By telling your doctor that you are on birth control it will help when you need treatment or need to take any other medications such as antibiotics(penicillin, amoxicillin), because there are medications that can lower the effectiveness of your birth control.

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Q: How do doctors know if you are on birth control?
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Can doctors know if you have not been taking birth control?

No, not unless your doctor is peering over your shoulder at home. Or unless you have an IUD or other vaginally-visible type of birth control.

Can they mail you free birth control?

No,you will need to have a pelvic exam and a doctors prescription for birth control.

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Does birth control cause birth deffects?

Although there is very little evidence to prove this some doctors believe that hormonal birth control can cause birth defects.

Do you need a doctors note to buy birth control pills?

Birth control pills have to be prescribed by a medical provider. You cannot buy them over the counter.

Do doctors give birth control if you're not a virgin?

First, there is no such medical concept as "virginity." Second, yes, you can get birth control before or after you start having sex.

Is a checkup needed in the doctors office in order to acquire birth control?

ussually a physical

Can you press charges on your parents for giving you birth control without you knowing what it was what about doctors?

Not sure your parents can be held responsible since it's the doctor giving them to you. Doctors are obligated to tell their patients what they are given and birth control is optional. If it was not yours though and your parents gave them to you I think you can.

Is there an incorrect way to take birth control pills?

Hello - The only incorrect way to take birth control pills is by not following your doctors or perscribes advice to the exact detail and missing pills and containously using birth control as a method of skipping your period.

Why are the states trying to get birth control banned?

It's probably because its messed up.. not that I know what birth control is...

Do doctors check your cervix before they give you birth control?

A pelvic exam and cervical exam aren't necessarily needed to start birth control, unless you are using the diaphragm, cervical cap, or IUD.

Why do doctors need to know if a girl is a virgin or not before being prescribed on birth control?

First, "virginity" is not a medical concept. Second, the choice of birth control doesn't depend on whether a woman has had sex before. Taking a woman's sexual history can help guide any testing that should be done, though.