You should not starve yourself, it is bad for your health and the pain will go away if you eat something.
you can starve, or get really bad hunger pains.
Hunger Pains was created on 2004-10-20.
The Hunger Pains is only a book, it's a parody to The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is now out in theaters.
there is not really a Hunger Pains, But the Hunger Games movie came out a couple months ago.
There isn't going to be a Hunger Pains movie, however if you go on YouTube there is a Hunger Games Trailer for the book.
Hunger pains are pains you get in your belly. They sometimes feel like cramps or someone pushing or pulling on your belly. It's your body telling you it needs food.
Neither the left nor the right side of the brain control hunger pains. The limbic system of the brain that is located underneath the temporal lobes controls hunger pains.
The cast of Hunger Pains - 2007 includes: Daron McFarland as Snickers - The Bear
The cast of Hunger Pains - 2010 includes: Spencer van Woudenberg as Eddie