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yes you can i think the best way is to scrape it onto a little bit of weed to keep the resin from going back down the pipe again

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

It is not recommended to smoke marijuana residue because it can contain harmful impurities or toxins from previous use. Residue does not have the same potency or quality as fresh marijuana, and smoking it could be harsh on your lungs. It's advisable to properly clean your smoking devices to avoid residue buildup.

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Can you smoke marijuana out of a pipe?

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Yes, You can get THC in your system from marijuana residue. However, marijuana residue, or as most incorrectly call it, resin, contains very LITTLE THC and a LOT of useless and harmful material

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== == Eminem used to do smoke in the past, like marijuana, but he doesn't smoke anymore. Not marijuana or cigarettes.

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The question is not can you smoke marijuana while having poison sumac, but WHY are you asking if you can smoke marijuana while having poison sumac? That is the question.

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no!! 2nd hand smoke is the smoke you exhale or residual smoke from you cigarette/joint and is only bad when inhaled. smoking anything will leave residue on your clothes that may smell but this is not smoke it is just a smell and can cause no damage to anyone else. it might smell strong and make it obvious you have been getting stoned but that it all it can do

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fumando marijuana .

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smoke it.

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