Birth control, condoms, and abstinece.
The only 100% way to prevent pregnancy is by not having sex. If this is not possible, having your male partner use a condom while you use The Pill, a diaphragm or other blocking devise is very effective.
There is another method of birth control called Natural Family Planning that can also be very effective if you and your partner are willing to abstain from intercourse for several days every month. Not always practical for a young couple, but it is completely safe and very reliable if you follow the plan completely.
Use birth control, go on the pill, use condoms.
You can not become pregnant by the following:
More than likely you still can get pregnant.
In prevention of becoming pregnant contraceptive methods are used. All techniques have variations of effectiveness.
The most effective contraceptive methods are for the female to be on the pill, and a male to use a condom.
The pill alone comes in at 99% effectiveness, if used correctly. It is often hard to keep up with the daily doses of the pill, and additional medicines also alter the way the pill performs, such as antibiotics...not to mention stomach viruses.
But yes, this is why the condom should also be used, and in the prevention of transmitted infections and diseases.
If the condom breaks, the pill is there. If the pill doesn't work effectively, the condom is there.
Use a condom, use birth control, use dental dame, or just don't do it at all.
The easiest way is to not have sex. Since abstinence is not practical for millions of couples in loving, committed relationships (and others) the next best goal would be to always use birth control. Hormonal birth control, like the pill, ring or patch is up to 99% effective when used correctly. Add a condom to the equation and you have almost no chance of getting pregnant before you are ready.
YOu can choose to NOT have sex, or you can use birth control. YOu SHOULD use condoms, or have your partner use them. They protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Never asume that your partner is disease free, unless you've been married a lonjg time and your partner doesn't cheat! If you want your baby to be healthy you would need to look at the expiration date on the condom! Gross?
1. abstinence
2. Birth control ( the pill or other birth control for women)
3. the CONDOM.... a MUST if you are having sex and are not married and planning babies!
The answer "don't have sex" isn't really helping anyone. If you're asking how to prevent pregnancy, you are obviously ready to have sex! Condoms work, and birth Control works, so chances are, you won't get pregnant if you do both!
But you should also note that condoms and birth control are not 100% effective. These forms of contraception work depending upon how well you use them. For example, birth control pills can be up to 99% effective, but only if taken properly. This means, taking your pill EVERY day, at the same time of day. You should also note that certain medications *such as antibiotics* can cause your birth control not to work. Condoms are about 95% effective when used properly. This means you should read the instructions about how to properly put on a condom before hand. Also, never double up on condoms. This can cause friction and make them tear, thus being less effective than even one condom.
#1 way and the most effective.. don't have sex
A method that prevents pregnancy 100% is abstinence (not having sex). Another method to prevent pregnancy that is pretty effective is birth control pills. When taken properly, birth control pills can be up to 99% effective! Another way of preventing pregnancy that is a little less effective is the use of condoms.
condoms love :)
There are many birth control options to prevent pregnancy. There are barrier methods like condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps and sponges that block sperm from entering the uterus and fertilizing an egg. Hormone methods like pills, patches, vaginal rings and shots prevent pregnancy by prohibiting ovulation. Natural methods include breast feeding and rhythm methods. Finally there are permanent options like tubal ligation and vasectomy.
Using one of the above methods is preferred. However, if there is a problem with the birth control method used, there are emergency contraception options that can reduce the chance of pregnancy if taken within five days after unprotected sex.
you have to use some contraceptive to prevent pregnancy.
no it can't prevent pregnancy
Vitamins don't prevent pregnancy.
BV won't prevent pregnancy.
NO ! ONLY contraception or abstinence can prevent pregnancy !
Starch as in pasta, potatoes etc? That does not prevent pregnancy.
No. Cytotec can be used for abortion but not to prevent pregnancy.
Yaz is a birth control pill. It is intended to prevent pregnancy.
Advil don't prevent pregnancy no matter how many you take.
No, weed does not prevent pregnancy or interfere with contraception methods.
You can write about how to prevent teen pregnancy. Or what causes teen pregnancy. Talking about the right form of education to prevent teen pregnancy will work as well.
No it does not.
No it does not.