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Body Piercing in the hands of a true professional body piercer working in an inspected and licensed studio is next to painless. You need to understand that "pain" is not an issue, it's fear of the unknown that you need to deal with. You have no idea what you are asking for and what is involved in getting it done. That's where the knowledge and experience of a professional body piercer can make the deference between an outrageously painful experience and an experience that you can't wait to tell your friends about because it was so easy.

Body piercing is something you don't do at home, due to the numerous risks from infection, rejection and out and out botching the piercing and being left with a mess you would want to show anyone. You need to remove the fear by doing your research and not just the piercing, but the piercer, and the studio. Learn what you need to look for when looking for a Professional Body Piercer and understand what you are asking to have done. Talk to a few of your local professional body piercers and check out the studios, ask questions and learn. From that knowledge you will find the right studio with the right piercer for you, you need to be comfortable with the piercer and from that the trust in his/her skills will develop.

The "pain" is something you won't even consider, in the hands of a professional, the whole experience will be enjoyable and fun as it should be. Body Piercing is not for everyone, but for those who have been handled by true professional body piercers, it's one life's experience they remember as being one of the "cooler" things they have done. They still have the piercings to prove it. Happy Piercings.

Body Piercing Guidelines or "I want a piercing, now what"

  1. All Body Piercing studios are regulated and work under regional and local health and city licensing regulations. What you may want may not be legal in your area so call and check with your local studios.
  2. Age limits can vary from city to city and state/province to state/province, contact your local body piercing studios (under the yellow pages "Body Piercing" ) they will tell you what the age limits are for your area.
  3. Identification is aways needed (Birth certificate, Student card, Drivers license) Parental consent is consent from the legal parents (Mother or Father). Grand parents, Sister, Brother, Second Cousin twice removed doesn't cut it sorry. Unless they are your legal guardians assigned by the courts and have documented proof or this, it just won't work.
  4. Prices for piercings vary from shop to shop and city to city. Be sure you phone and ask them what the total price is including any *aftercare solutions they may try to sell you (* Professional body piercing studios won't try to sell you aftercare solution, they will recommend cleansers and soaps but that's it if you want it they will sell it but they will not force you to buy it.)
  5. Do your research, check these places out and find a studio that you are comfortable with, talk to the piercer and discuss you wishes. If at any time you feel like you are being ignored or rushed leave, find somewhere else. Good shops will be busy, but they will also want you to book your appointment, this way they have their full attention on you not everyone else who is asking questions (that's a good thing).
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Q: How can you pierce your nipple at home?
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What area of the nipple do you pierce?

That can vary from male to female.

How would you know if your nipple was pierced in the wrong spot?

A properly placed nipple piercing goes halfway down the nipple. You DO NOT pierce the areola, nor do you pierce close to the tip. Of course, this rationale is for normally sized nipples, because unfortunately some piercers pierce nipples that were never meant to be pierced. Go to a professional and have them evaluate it for you.

Why do women pierce their nipple?

Nipple piercing is not only for the look of the piercing but also for personal stimulation, once healed nipple piercings can be quite erotic and will add sensation when the right jewellery is in the piercings.

Can pierce nipples twice in the same direction?

If the nipple is large enough, then it is possible to pierce one nipple twice in the same direction. I would suggest you talk to your local professional body piercer, they can have a look and tell you if there is enough tissue to support a second piercing.

Is there a certain side of your nipple to pierce either left or right like with the ear if u only have your right one pierced your gay is the same thing 4 a nipple?


What is president pierce's home state?

Pierce was from New Hampshire.

Should a teenager get a nipple piercing?

Until a woman is 18, it is illegal for a shop to do a nipple piercing on her. For men it's not illegal as far as I know, but most piercing studios will not pierce someone under 16, others may refuse to do nipple piercings on a male under 18.

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Pierce lived in Concord, New Hampshire.

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Pierce died at his home in Concord, New Hampshire.

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Can you pierce your monroe at home?

yea but it will hurt