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Wow that's hard. You have to just be yourself and soon if he likes you he will start hanging with you.

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Q: How can you make a sixth grade guy like you?
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How do you know if a guy in sixth grade like you?

ask him.

How do you ask a guy out in sixth grade?

well first does he like you? if he does then make sure he does and make sure you do and its not a fling and i say go for it

How do you find out if a girl likes you in sixth grade?

Well, I'm a girl in sixth grade, and i really like this guy. So i try to make eye contact. Also i always ask his friends about him.e.g. if he says anything about me. But, the most important thing is that a girl will ALWAYS gush about the guy she likes!!!

What sixth grade girls like in a guy?

Looks. It's all they have the maturity for at that age, haee

If your in sixth grade and boy likes you but you like another guy what do you do?

You give him a chance. but hes ugly and the other guy is so cute and i like the cute guy alot and the ugly one only as a friend

How do you get a sixth grade guy to notice you?

AnswerJust be yourself that will probably attract him if not then he probably doesn't like you be the one to make the first move. Don't forget become really close friends first.

What if you are in sixth grade and this guy that flirts with her and he is a seventh grader?

If he does flirt with you 24.7 then ask his best friend to ask him if he likes you then make that he likes you then ask him out.

What would a sixth grade girl do if she likes a sixth grade guy?

What she would do... Act like an idiot around him Always be around him Always talks about him Always gives him what he wants Blushes when he smiles at her Teases him Tries to get his attention Blows Kisses to him when he isn't looking...........

If you are in fifth grade and you like a guy who's in your class and he in sixth grade and you think he likes you back how can you tell?

you just tell them, simple as that, if you really can't tell them face to face, give them a note.

How to get a guy in the 6 grade to like you?

All you have to do is make eye contact and smile

How do you get a boy to like you in sixth grade with out a phone and your parents knowing?

I am in eighth grade and had the same problem you have to get to know him, make sure he is the guy you think he is. If you still like him tell him he might just like you back say something like "I like you and I was wondering if you liked me too" or "I have a question?" than ask "Do you like me as more than a friend" and youll see it is that easy.

How can you tell if your best guy friend like likes you you've known him since the third grade but now your in sixth grade he always picks on me but for fun Does he like me?

Yea, I had that exact problem. I am in 6 grd. and this guy likes me but I really didn't like him but I found out how? Well, My parents and teachers, etc., told me that when a guy picks on you, It usually means that they like you and it so happened that he did. Good luck! :)