You can lose 5 pounds in one week by committing to a low calorie diet and exercising for at least 5 times a week. Your calorie intake should not fall below 1200 calories daily.
17,000 calories to lose 5 lbs in one week. Very hard to do. You do 1/2 calorie cutting and 1/2 calorie burning (i.e. exercise) but either way, good luck.
you do
1/2- 2 pounds is the healthy amount of weight to lose in a week.Answersome diets claim you can lose 20 pounds, but that's unhealthy and dangerous. Depending on your age and initial weight, 2-5 is about right. AnswerI lost 10 lbs in one week by only eating dinner-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's actually only scientifically possible to lose/gain 2lbs of fat in one week, when you say people claiming to lose 1 stone in 1 week, they're losing muscle and fluid, not fat!
Swimming is the best choice. 2-4 hours a day would be enough. please vote.
There is no safe way to lose that much weight that fast. Half that would be really pushing it. Two pounds a week is a reasonable amount. And if you lose 10% of your weight, it will be very noticeable.
There is no need to load up on carbs. If you continue to do 100 sit ups each day of the week for a whole week you will get good abs.
By adding another week to your schedule. 3 lbs/week is doable on a reasonably normal and sustainable diet, but 5 lbs/week is another ballgame entirely. Odds are you'd not make it and only disappoint yourself. Besides, a diet strict enough to let you shed 5 lbs/week really is borderline when it comes to keeping healthy and functioning as an individual.
a strict diet and exercise will be the best way to loose. you also could take fat burners which increases your metabolism for a period of time. be careful though! loosing 5 lbs per week is not recommended and is very dangerous. for a healthy weight lose, aim between 2-3 lbs.
go to weight watchers (:
1800 to maintain your weight. 1100 to lose 2 lbs per week.
This depends on how severe their diet restrictions are. They can loose between 5-14 lbs a week!
If you are a 16 year old female who weighs 257 pounds and is 5'5" tall, consuming 1,200 calories a day would help you to lose 3-3.5 pounds per week.