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I don't much on this topic, but I can definitely say that exercise and a change in diet. For most people, not necessarily all, exercise is something that is not taking seriously. It is important to exercise everyday whether it be basic things like walking or sit-ups. I myself don't exercise enough so I can't criticize others on the way they exercise. If it were me trying to lose weight I would try to cut back on eating junk food or snack foods like potato chips and pastries. Another thing that might help is just eating more healthy and more balanced, in other words getting a good variety of foods to eat. The most important thing is the combination of exercise and healthy, balanced, diet. I hope this helps you. It may be something that you have heard before, but is by far the best advice that you could get to naturally lose weight.

Sorry. 'spot reducing(such as situps will-NOT- CAUSE YOU TO LOSE WEIGHT FROM YOUR STOMACH! It may strengthen your abdominal muscles but, the body draws energy(stored as fat in fat cells) from fat cells all over the body.. Ask any woman who Has lost weight and they'll tell you that their breasts got smaller as they lost weight or their hips got smaller." This is because the body takesbtye fuel from all over the body/ :)\

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Q: How can you lose 15 pounds in 5 weeks?
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How much can you lose in two weeks?

If a person exercises a lot and diets properly, they can lose up to 10 pounds or so in 2 weeks. The average person, however, would lose up to 5 pounds.

How can a 4'11 25-year-old female lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks?

Not in a healthy manner, that's a pound a day! You didn't gain it in two weeks, don't expect to lose it in two weeks. A healthy diet and exercise is the safest route and should allow you to lose about 5 pounds in that time. You'd be amazed at how much of a difference that will make.

How do you lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks?

Eat less exercise more!

How do you lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks for kids?

i cant but i wish i new

How much weight will you lose if you follow the lo w calorie 2468 diet for 3 weeks?

Within each cycle(cycle being four days) you lose at the least 3-5 pounds. About five cylces are in 3 weeks. So you could lose up to 15-25 pounds. It all depends on how much you weight and exercise!

If you are 5' 2 and weigh 160 pounds how can you lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks?

You can't. That's a pound a day. You didn't gain that weight at that rate, you cannot expect to lose it at that rate. A sensible diet and exercise can help you drop about a third of that safely.

What are the best weight loss goals?

1 to 2 pounds a weeks is a healthy rate to lose weight. The first few weeks will certainly be much faster, as much as 5 pounds or so. But you didn't gain all the weight in a few weeks, so don't expect to lose it in a few weeks.

You are a 17 year old male and you want to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks?

Losing 5 pounds in 2 weeks isn't hard at all...although it is recommended that you only lose 4 pounds in 2 weeks. To lose the 5 pounds work out one hour a day, eat about 750 calories less than your recommended value(ie if an online calculator tells you that you need 2750 per day then only eat 2000), and avoid WHITE carbs at all costs!

Is it possible for a 13 year old who weighs 180 pounds to loose 50 pounds in 5 weeks?

No. Losing 50 pounds in only 5 weeks can be really dangerous. The best way to keep weight off for good is to lose it slowly, at about 1-2 pounds a week.

How much weight would you lose by not eating chcolate for a whole 2 weeks?

you could lose about 5 to 7 pounds just by not eating chocolate