Short of radical surgery - you can't.
Expect upwards 10 weeks if you want to do it in a sensible manner.
To lose 10kg a month is the same as trying to lose 22lbs in a month. That is a lot of weight to lose. The best way to lose weight is to restrict your fat grams and calories intake as well as exercise. Consult your doctor for a weight loss plan that is safe for you.
You can't lose 10 kg weight in a week, and I recommend not to attempt various weight loss products. You should only try healthy weight loss methods for long term benefits, eat healthy and exercise. Control your eating habits
A bowling ball typically weighs around 10kg.
A standard weight plate used for weightlifting typically weighs 10kg.
You can lose up to 10 pound a week by doing that :)
That would depend on the volume (density) of the 10kg object.
The weight of 10kg on the moon would be approximately 1.6kg due to the moon's weaker gravitational pull compared to Earth.
Sorry, a week is just not long enough to tone or lose weight using any healthy methods.
It healthy to lose up to 15 pound a week if Ur over weight
Healthily, a person lose lose 2 or 3 pounds a week. Under the watch of a nutritionist or trainer, they can healthiy lose 5 to 8 pounds a week.