Can the age of Red Ryder Carbine be determined by pats. no. 880,550 -1,062,855
Daisy made a model 94 Carbine from 1954 - 1962, they also made a model 111 western carbine from 1963-1978. I can find no information on a Red Ryder 1938 carbine. However the 1938 Red Ryder is still in production.
The model 111 was a Daisy Western Carbine (Not a Red Ryder) It was made from 1963 to 1978. The Daisy No: 111 model 40 (Not Model 111) was a Red Ryder and was made from 1940 to 1952.
Daisy offers a free service to assist you with an answer. See the link below.
It was made between 1955-62
The model 94 carbine was made between 1955-1962. Daisy offers a free service to tell you more about your old Daisy. See the link below.
Daisy has made so many variations of the Red Ryder over the years, that it would be best to ask Daisy Directly. Daisy offers a free service to tell you more about your old daisy. See the link below.
They were made between 1959 - 1962. If you would like more information, contact Daisy at the link below.
How much is it What? How much is it worth? If you want an estimate the state the current condition of the rifle. Something like Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or excellent. Also is it still working? You need to give more details if you want an answer. Red Ryder Carbine model 94 was made between 1955-1962 by Daisy
The Daisy model 94 carbine and model 111 Western carbine both shot BB's in the .175 caliber, not pellets in the .177 caliber.
you can contact Daisy at and select "Info & contact. they may be able to help you.
Daisy model 94 Carbine (not Winchester) Plastic stock and forearm. dummy hammer. 1955-62. Part of the Red Ryder series.
There are 8 Variations of the Red Ryder Model 111 and 14 different Red Ryder 1938 models. Your best bet is to contact "Daisy" they offer a FREE service to answer questions about Daisy products. See the link below