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You cant make yourself get your period you just have to wait

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Q: How can you get your period start if you haven't had it yet?
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Im 9 i havent had a period yet is that kk?

Certainly, 9 is very early to start. Most girls in the US start around 12.

If you missed a whole pack of your birth controland you know are not pregnant can you start a new pack even though you haven't had a period yet?

If you havent had sex then yes, you can start them whenever.

If you are a Sunday starter and you and on Sunday you havent gotten your period yet should you wait til the next Sunday?

(first time takin bc pills)what if your period stats on the Friday and it is your first time,shoud you wait for the Sunday to start?

Is it possible to get aids if you havent started your period yet?

yes there is more than one way to get aids.

What if your period has been delayed over a month?

Go to your doctor and tell them that you're worried that you havent had your period yet and it's been a month.

Is Laura married?

not yet. i havent proposed yet.

You were on the pill for 4 years and you recently got off of it you had a period after you got off of it but this month you havent got one yet is that normal?

Yes this is normal. The period you had was the withdrawal bleed.

You are a 17 year old guy and gone though puberty already but why havent you got your period yet?

Because you are a male and only females menstruate. if you would start to bleed once a month seek medical help ASAP!

Did you start your period yet?

This question is not suitable for WikiAnswers.

How much does sex hurt?

very very much! especially if u havent had ur period yet. but dont worry youll enjoy it

13 and you havent had your period yet but had a dark brown discharge a couple times?

That's what it looks like when it's starts. You will probably get it soon.

Is Laura hackett married?

not yet. i havent proposed yet.