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not actually start ovulating from 9th day and egg is released from the ovary on 13th or 14th day depending upon your cycle....

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Q: Can you ovulate a week after your period?
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Related questions

Can I still have a period if I do not ovulate"?

No, you cannot have a period if you do not ovulate.

Could you be pregnant if your boyfriend ejaculated in you a week after your period ended?

Yes you can ovulate at any time.

How many days after period do you ovulate?

When you ovulate depends on your menstrual cycle. You ovulate two weeks BEFORE your period, so how soon after your period you ovulate depends on how long your menstrual cycle is.

If you get your period a week late do you ovulate a week late even if you have never been late before and you have followed the rythym method for a whole year and never got pregnant?

if your period is late one week that means you ovulated late

Can you be pregnant while on a period?

it is possible to get pregnant while on your period, it depends when you ovulate, i just read that some women ovulate during their period most women ovulate 14 days before their period is due

You normally cramp the week before your period you believe it to be ovulation it lasts a few days can the chart be wrong can you ovulate after day 15?

Yes you can ovulate after day 15, especially if you have a history of irregular periods.

Is a girl at high ovulation a week before she starts her period?

most likely not. two weeks before your period is when your most likely going to ovulate but anything is possible

When would you ovulate on a 3 week period?

A 3 week period simply means an imbalance in the endocrine system that controls menstruation (unless its your first period, or you've just given birth). Can't be sure if ovulation would occur at all!

Can you ovulate and be on your period?


When is a female consider fertilize?

When she starts to ovulate which you do before you get your first period.

Can you still ovulate if you only have a 3 day period?

Yes, it is possible to ovulate with a 3-day period. The length of your period does not determine if you ovulate or not. Ovulation typically occurs around the middle of your menstrual cycle, regardless of the length of your period.

Can you ovulate if you do not have a period?

Yes, ovulation comes before a period, so a woman will ovulate before her very first period, before her first period post-pregnancy, etc.