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Don't lie about your health, ask your parents. No professional body piercing studio will pierce any minor without parental consent and proof of I.D.

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Q: How can you get your ears pierced without your parents knowing?
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Related questions

Why are you born with pierced ears?

You are not born with pierced ears, your parents had them done when you were a baby.

How can a 14 year old girl get her dad to let her have her ears pierced?

A lot of convincing, or just do it without him knowing.

How old do you have to be to get your ears pierced in Virginia?

Any age but your parents have to sign the papers so your parents decide when you can get your ears pierced. I got mine when I was 14. I did it at Claires.

How old do you have to be to get your ears pierced without an adult?

you have to be 18 to get anything pierced.

How do you look If you get your ears pierced?

I like Earrings with boys and i want to get my left ears pierced i just want to know should i get it pierced if yes how do i convience my parents thanks .

Do you need adult permission to get your ears pierced at the cherry hill mall in America if you are a minor?

You have to be 18 to get your ears pierced without a guardian.

How old do you need to be to pierce your ear?

you can be any age to have your ears pierced, a baby can have there ears pierced at 4 months old, but if you younger than 16 your parents do need to be with you... :)

Can nuns have pierced ears?

In the Catholic Church, there are no specific rules prohibiting nuns from having pierced ears. However, some religious orders may have their own guidelines regarding personal appearance, including the wearing of jewelry such as earrings. Ultimately, it would depend on the rules and traditions of the specific order that the nun belongs to.

You are a boy you are 15 you pierced your ears in October your parents does not know what should you do?


Do you need a parents signature to get your ears double pierced?

yes, if you are under 18

You want to impress chicks should you pierce your ears?

NO! Anyone who would go out with someone or even just be impressed by a guys ears pierced isn`t worth dating! Another reason is that alot of girls parents wouldn`t let them date a guy who has there ears pierced like my dad! So I wouldn`t get them pierced plus if you do get your ears pierced it will hurt! I am a girl and like all girls I got my ears pierced and my sister`s ears got infected when she got her ears pierced and that REALLY HURT!

What is the legal age to get your ears pierced?

The legal age to get your ears pierced varies by location and can range from minors with parental permission to 18 years old. It's best to check with your local regulations or piercing studio for specific age requirements.