Contact Remington directly.They should be able to identify the variant of model 700 rifle you have after a brief description of your rifles stock,finish,barrel length etc.
Since 1967
100-400 USD
Short action
Remington Arms has been manufacturing the Model 700 series since 1962.
Yes, Remington makes the 700 in that caliber.
how much is Remington model 700 worth how much is a Remington model 760 worth
Action size.
Any scope that you choose to use can be used on your remington model 700.
yes as long as the Remington model 700 sps is chambered for 308 Win.
1- 12 twist
Check the date code stamped on it. See related link
Your remington model 700 was made in 1982 with the letter C prefix to the serial number.