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It should be marked on the weapon either as a word or a combination of symbols.

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Q: How can you determine the choke of shotguns?
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How do you find the choke size on browning shotguns?

Contact Browning.

What are the various choke markings for merkel shotguns?

Choke markings , lets see , Chokemarkings , and Prints of Markings :D

Does steel shot work in all shotguns?

NO. Early shotguns have softer steel barrels, and are not rated for steel shot. It will damage the choke of the shotgun.

Which shotgun choke has the tightest pattern?

With standard chokes, Full Choke is the tightest. However, there are non-standard chokes for SOME shotguns (used by turkey hunters) that are Extra Full Choke.

Which shotgun choke has the tightest constriction?

With standard chokes, Full Choke is the tightest. However, there are non-standard chokes for SOME shotguns (used by turkey hunters) that are Extra Full Choke.

How much for a Colt 20ga shotguns?

Need to know condition, barrel length and choke

Where is the choke identification on Japanese Browning side-by-side shotguns?

Check on the barrel flats

Where are the choke markings on browning citori shotguns?

On the choke tubes. It is marked by lines on the front edge of the choke. The more lines the more open the choke. 1 line is a full and goes from there. If it doesn't have tubes, on the inside of the receiver near the bbls.

Can you shoot double 00 buckshot from an improved choke tube?

Yes, but check your pattern. Most shotguns will pattern buckshot best with a more open choke.

Where are choke markings on baikal shotguns?

on a single shot barrel you must remove the barrel and look at the flat side underneath the chamber to see the choke stamping.

Where can you buy choke tubes for Baikal shotguns?

How do you determine the choke of your 16 gauge Stevens Model 94C?

Most were full choke, but the only accurate to determine the choke is to measure the inside diameter of the muzzle with a caliper.