The fixed choke markings are denoted by * marks on the bottom of the barrel under the forearm assembly. 3 on the left barrel and 4 on the right. *** Modified choke **** Improved Cylinder
Choke markings , lets see , Chokemarkings , and Prints of Markings :D
one star or (*) means Full two (**) Improved Modified three (***) Modified Four (****) Improved Cyl.
the markings on the out side edge of choke tube, one line is full choke,3 lines are modified choke and 4 lines are imp cyl choke,thats what they told me when i bought it.
on a single shot barrel you must remove the barrel and look at the flat side underneath the chamber to see the choke stamping.
ONE = Full TWO = Improved Modified THREE = Modified FOUR = Improved Cylinder FIVE = Cylinder
open = 5 notches 1/4 = 4 notches 1/2 = 3 notches 3/4 = 2 notches full = 1 notch
Full choke, improved cylinder, and modified.
On the choke tubes. It is marked by lines on the front edge of the choke. The more lines the more open the choke. 1 line is a full and goes from there. If it doesn't have tubes, on the inside of the receiver near the bbls.
To determine different shot patterns
For the Stoeger side-by-side shotgun, your best bet would be to use any of the standard Winchester choke tubes. They should fit well for you shotgun.
Depends on how choke markings on the weapon.
AnswerEarly Stevens shotguns did not have choke markings.sales@countrygunsmith.netOn my Savage semi-autos, a model 755A and 775A, the chokes are marked with an asterisk on the rear left side of the barrel. One for full, two for mod., three for IC.