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I'm srry there is no way to charge your phone without a charger altho u can always get another battery for back up also there are myths saying you can put the battery out in the sun for an hour and it will charge another myths is you can rub the battery to your hair which causes friction and static electricity which is suPposesed to charge the battery but let me tell you I have never tried the myths soo I don't no if they can be done

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14y ago
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14y ago

They have these new things that are portable disposeable chargers. Try that.

AnswerBuy a portable power supply/battery, for example the "Chargeit" for about $30, then use your phone's cigarette lighter charger, and plug it into the "chargeit". Recharge the Chargeit when driving your car.


Another way is to connect your cell phone to your laptop it'll share batteries 1.take any old usb cable and cut the end that doesn't plug into the computer

2.strip it and you should find four wires

3. find the red and black wires

4.strip those take out your cell phone battery and find where it says (+) and (-) dont worry about the (T) its a temperature sensor for charging. take the wires the red is (+) and the black is (-) and touch them to the (+) and (-) parts in the back of the phone and put in the battery so the wires are sandwiched between the phone and the battery

7. now plug in usb cable to a computer and let it charge for about 5-10 mins dont over charge it

8. you should be fine.

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12y ago

Yes there are ways to charge your phone without a charger. This way I use sometimes. It's not really safe for people to use if they don't watch the video so go to and enter in how do you charge a phone without a charger and click on the first one where there is a guy showing you how to do it. It works and it's fast. A lot of people use this method!!

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14y ago

buy a new battery that is already charged


1. take an old USB lead

2.cut off the end that DOESN'T go in to the computer

3.strip the end you have just cut

4. you'll see 4 different coloured wires strip the red and black

5. take the battery out of your phone and you will see the + and - place the red wire on the + and the black on the -

6.sandwhich the 2 wires between the battery and phone

7.plug into computer and leave for 5 - 10 minutes (don't over charge)

8. it should be fine after that.

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8y ago

There are few steps to charge a battery with a charger

1 first using a battery to charge our battery

1. Remove the battery from the device.

2. Find some AA, AAA, or 9-volt batteries

3. Identify the positive and negative connectors on each battery

4. Obtain two pieces of metal wire

5. Tape or clamp the wires to the battery that will be providing a charge and the battery that requires a charge.

6. After some time, the battery should be charged.

2 Using the Rubbing Trick

1. Remove the battery from the electronic device.

2. Rub the battery hard by using both of your hands to generate enough friction and heat.

3. Place the battery back in the electronic d

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13y ago

Buy a new charger.

There are many ways but you have to be careful because some ways can kill you.

There is 1 way that I use that is safe though.

1. Take the battery out of the charger.

2. Carefully put it in an area where it is hot. (easier under your armpit)

3. Wait about 30 minutes - 1 hour and you should have at least a good amount charged on your phone.

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14y ago

if it has a USB port, you can use any USB cable with the right terminals to plug it into any computer.

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12y ago

with the help of solar energy we take a solar energy and convert in the form of electrical energy

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13y ago

You can't.. Freaking idiot

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