Corporate individuals
Corporate groups
Convention and association groups
Leisure travelers
Long-term stay/relocation guests
Airline-related guests
Government and military travelers
Regional getaway guests
The concierge is the person who helps guests at a hotel.
Yes, Obviously guests who stayed in hotels are the ones to rate / review the hotel mainly.
Having a bar in a hotel is essential, as its a place where guests can relax and chat with other guests. Most guests make use of the hotel bar during their stay, its part of the overall hotel experience.
If guests have things missing out of a hotel room, the hotel can try to charge the guests for the missing items. If the items that are missing belong to the guests, the guests can file a complaint with the hotel and a police report.
In 2005 when we were guests of the show they put us up at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel.
A hotel kitchen is where the kitchen staff cooks meals for the hotel guests.
* You should always let the desk clerk at the front desk of the hotel know you are expecting a FEW guests to your room and also ask about the policies of the hotel regarding guests. Then contact your guests and give them your room number. Generally the front desk of the hotel will phone up to your room and announce your guest or guests have arrived. If the guests already have a room in the hotel and you know their names then ask the front desk of the hotel for their room number so you can contact them, and if this is not possible then leave notes to each guest and hand them to the desk clerk.
A powder girl in a hotel main duty is to ensure that the guests acquire high quality services to build goodwill between hotel and guests.
Disney World hotel guests have access to all Disney resort transportation. Each day Disney World opens one of its parks an hour early for its resort guests. Disney hotel guests can have their park purchases delivered to their hotel rooms. Disney resort guests also receive a "Key to the World" card that is a combination hotel room key, room charge card and identification card.
Bellhop, or porter.